Navigating the Enhanced Coordinate Map
After you have created and configured your map visualization, you can explore the map in several ways by using various tools.
You can also apply filters to the map to focus on the data that is relevant to your investigation.
Panning the map
Click and drag anywhere on the map to move the map center.
Hold Shift to drag a bounding box across the map to zoom in on a desired area.
Viewing extent:
Click Zoom In/Out (
) to change the zoom level manually.
Click Fit Data Bounds (
) to automatically crop the map boundaries to the geohash buckets that have at least one result.
Click Set View Location (
) to manually specify:
Whether latitude and longitude are in decimal degrees (dd) or degrees/minutes/seconds (dms) ①.
The latitude ② and longitude ③ of the centroid of the canvas you would like to display.
The desired level of zoom ④.
Whether changes are applied ⑤ or cancelled ⑥.
Using selection tools to create geo filters
Click Draw a Polygon (
), then proceed as follows:
Click on the map canvas and add vertices; if you add a vertex that you don’t want, click the Delete last point option on the menu.
When complete, either click on the first vertex or double-click and the polygon will autocomplete. Elasticsearch documents within the drawn polygon will be filtered.
Click Latitude/Longitude Filter (
), then drag a bounding box across the map to create a filter for the box coordinates. Elasticsearch documents within the drawn polygon will be filtered.
Click Draw a Circle (
), then drag a circle and release to select documents. Elasticsearch documents within the drawn polygon will be filtered.
For all selection tools, a geo filter is created. This will appear above the map canvas: |
Using marking tools
Click Draw a Marker (
), and select any point on the map to place a marker.
After adding at least one marker, the Delete Marker(s) option becomes available.
Point and click to delete individual markers
Remove all of them by clicking Clear All.
Applying multiple geo filters
If a geo filter exists and you create another geo filter on the same map, you will be prompted to select one of the following options:
Overwrite existing filter: Replaces the existing geo filter with the new one you have created.
Create new filter: Creates a new filter and will keep the existing one. Use this option to create an
query. -
Combine with existing filters: Merges the new filter with the existing one. Use this option to create an